• 天津大学荣喜民教授学术报告 2024-06-24

    报告题目:Target benefit pension plan with longevity risk and intergenerational equity报告摘要:  We study a stochastic model for a target benefit pension plan suffering from rising longevity and falling fertility. Policies for postponin...[详细]

  • 天津大学赵慧教授学术报告 2024-06-24

    报告题目:Optimal investment strategies and intergenerational risk sharing for target benefit pension plans under habit formation报告摘要:This paper investigates a stochastic model of a continuous-time target benefit pension system with...[详细]

  • 英国曼彻斯特大学韩杨副教授学术报告 2024-06-18

    Title: Exact simultaneous confidence intervals for logical selection of a biomarker cut-point Abstract: Four new principles are proposed in this work for logical biomarker cut-point selection methods to adhere to: subgroup sensibility, s...[详细]

  • 大连理工大学王晓光副教授学术报告 2024-06-18

      Title: Efficient auxiliary information synthesis for cure rate model  Abstract: We propose a new auxiliary information synthesis method to utilize subgroup survival information at multiple time points under the semi-parametric mixture ...[详细]

  • 美国北卡大学夏洛特分校蒋建成教授学术报告 2024-06-11

    报告题目:Inference for possibly misspecified generalized linear models with non-polynomial dimensional nuisance parameters报告摘要:It is a routine practice in statistical modelling to first select variables and then make inference for ...[详细]

  • 统计机器学习与因果效应评估系列学术报告(9) 南开大学邹长亮教授报告 2024-06-07

    报告题目:Optimal subsampling via predictive inference报告人: 邹长亮教授 (南开大学)报告时间:2024年6月12日上午 09:00-10:00报告地点:学院会议室109 报告摘要:In the big data era, subsampling or sub-data selection techniques are often ad...[详细]

  • 湘潭大学向开南教授学术报告 2024-06-03

    报告题目: 极小生成森林中树的数目报告时间:2024年6月5日 16:30:00-17:30报告地点:bat365在线平台官网109室报告人简介:向开南,湖南湘西人,1993年6月本科毕业于湘潭大学数学系;1993.9-1996.6在北京师范大学数学系读硕士;1996.9-1999.6在中国科学...[详细]

  • 重庆大学张志民教授学术报告 2024-05-29

    报告题目:Valuation of Guaranteed Lifelong Withdrawal Benefit with Long-term Care Option报告摘要:In this work, under the stochastic interest rate framework, we consider the valuation of a Guaranteed Lifelong Withdrawal Benefit (GLWB) an...[详细]

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